I have been a bad blogger! I have been busy in recovery, parenting and at work. I have wonder news and not so wonderful news to share. My son graduating from high school and now attends the University of Findlay in Ohio as an education major... he also plays football, GO OILERS! I love going to the games and I am learning to socialize with the families, which I struggle a bit, I still stutter when talking to strangers, but I am taking baby steps to get to know the Oiler parents, I have 4 more years to get to know them all.
My step-daughter, Emma has moved west... very far west to Oregon, to work and attend the University of Oregon next year once she obtains residency. I miss my oldest children so much, they make me laugh when we are all together and I love to laugh.

Eloise is in the 1st grade, where does the time go, she is our baby! She does not have a love for reading, I think I may have pushed her too hard when she was younger and I was re-learning to read... I have talked to her teacher and we both know she will be OK, I guess I have working parent guilt. Eloise makes me so happy to see her passion for life, family and her friends. She is our tom-boy and loves riding her
moto-cross bike with her dad!
I am doing well, I am a talking superstar, my speech has come so far... I only stutter if I get tired or I feel socially uncomfortable. My hand is still stiff and does not like to cooperate, yet... I have a right hand it is great and holding grocery bags. The right side of my face is still numb, but I use a straw still when drinking or a water bottle. I read at the 5-6th grade level, which I am so proud of! My spelling still stinks, but my new friend "spell check" always has my back.
I am fully back to work. I am holding my own weight and doing a lot of trainings. I have figured out to balance rest and work while at work and have learned to slow down and the most difficult thing I have to learn is to say NO to others... I can no longer help others, since I know am still learning how to organize my schedule and work load. I love training... it took me a bit to get into the swing of it, but I love to teach others new and fun ways to educate themselves and the youth in their after school programs. Learning to say NO to others took some practice, but I can do it and do it well.

My heart break is that my friend Becky has had a hemorrhagic stroke on her left side and has been unconscious since October 12! Becky is in her mid-40s... why are all these young people having strokes! Are we working too much, trying to balance work, relationships and parenting too much... we never take breaks or vacations anymore... people come to work and school sick... I don't know, but this has to stop! Becky needs to wake up and start her rehab! She is wonderful person who was there for me 100% during my time of need and rehab... so I will be there for her 110% She is responding to stimuli and breathing on her own, but she just needs to open her eyes! Please pray for her!
Friends have started a website through Facebook for updates on Becky, I really appreciate all of this, because she just needs to wake up and start healing!
Becky's Brigade
That's terrible news about your friend! My husband had a hemorraghic stroke last year, left side, and was comatose for several weeks. My heart goes out to her family, I hope she wakes up soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I hope your husband is doing well!