Friday, September 16, 2011

Today's BIG Challenge!

Today I did a training at work, a Language and Literacy training for staff that working in After School programs... what a nightmare!.. I can barely read!  I struggle with both of these subjects... I know I am improving, but I was scared, here I am encouraging to read aloud to older youth and can barely do this myself!  I rocked reading the Shell Silverstein poem out loud, Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout Who Not Take The Garbage Out... this is a REALLY long poem, I am horrible at rhyming now, but I took my time and read slowly, no one knew my weakness!

I was scared to death of this training this morning and did not sleep well last night, I was actually hoping I would not have anyone sign up... but it was great, my speech was not to aphasia - ish, and I had the Lori confidence, I was happy with myself, I did it!

I also really like this training, because is embracing kindergarten to about 5th grade reading levels... right where I am for reading, so I now embrace reading so much, you don't know how important reading is, until it is taken from you and you have to relearn it all over again, it was AWFUL!

I also read a bit of Judy Blumes's Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing, I read it with drama like Lori! I am so proud of myself! I am so thankful for my co-workers, they are super supportive of me! I do not know what I would do without Julie! My supervisor Gloria gives me the space and time I need and most of the folks on my floor know I like to do things for myself, even if it takes longer than it should... I just really love my job!

The happy (pooped out) trainer!

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